Many of us spend most non-sleeping hours at the workplace. It makes sense that the workplace should be a healthy place … although that is not always the case.

While companies might truthfully say that their employees are their most valued asset, we understand that companies exist to make money. Therefore, maximized profitability is high on the list of attainable corporate goals. 

Here are 7 reasons why companies should promote health and wellness at the workplace:

1. If employees are healthy, they produce more work. This positively affects the bottom line. Productivity ranks high on the list of attainable goals.

2. If employees are healthy, they make fewer mistakes. Again, this positively affects the bottom line. Fewer mistakes mean better productivity.

3. If employees are healthy, they show up for work more often. Once more, this positively affects the bottom line. There will be less need for temporary help or overloading other employees’ already heavy workload.

4. If employees are healthy, their insurance costs are less. This positive benefit saves the company, which pays for a large chunk of the premiums, an equal chunk of money, adding to the bottom line.

5. If employees are healthy, their morale is better. This has a positive effect on the general mood of the workplace, making it more desirable to be there. Good morale can lead to more employee motivation. 

6. If employees are healthy, their interactions with customers will be more positive. This can lead to increased sales with better customer service. Customer retention might be enhanced, as well.

7. If employees are healthy, they may want to work for your company longer. This, too, positively impacts the bottom line, as costs for recruitment can be high.  

Companies can provide healthy snacks, gym memberships, doctor/nurse advice lines, smoking cessation programs, etc. Studies show that for each dollar invested in Health And Wellness, a savings of $3-$6 is realized. Try it and see if it works for your company!
