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In need of Continuing Education Hours?
Welcome. We are a leading provider for CE credit hours in the State of Ohio. Our courses are for providers looking to gain an education and better address client concerns and questions regarding holistic healthcare, its effectiveness and strategies for mental and physical health issues. Whether you are working in Nursing, Treatment, Prevention, or Peer Services, a complete knowledge of holistic healthcare is vital for your clients’ success. Misinformation abounds in the digital age, but you can trust that my courses provide you with actual, credible information that can be used in practice. Peer reviewed studies, and reputable sources from the core of my curriculum.

Ohio Nurses
All Courses for RNs & LPNs in the State of Ohio
2 CE Credit Hours. Are you concerned for yourself or someone you care about who is aging? This course will teach you how you can more effectively deal with health problems and more.
4 CE Credit Hours. Ohio Chemical Dependency Professionals Board Course Approval Number 20 – 698417
Everything you need to know about how to effectively heal ADHD naturally.
and Those with Mental Health Disorders. 4 CE Credit Hours. Everything you need to know about amino acid therapy for detoxification and mental health.
6 CE Credit Hours. This course discusses benefits of movement, with a special focus on mental health. Included are cognitive and physiological/affective benefits.
4 CE Credit Hours. This course helps you understand the critical connection between the food we eat and our mental health.
4 CE Credit Hours. Delve into the science of wellbeing in this course, based on Dr. Martin Seligman’s work in positive psychology.
Six courses providing 24 CE HRS for RN/LPN license renewal in the state of Ohio.
Prevention Professionals
All Courses on Preventing Substance Use for those seeking certified continuing education in the Substance Abuse Prevention Field
1.5 CE Credit Hours. Ohio – OCPSA
This course examines ethical codes used by prevention practitioners. It focuses on knowledge of Ohio codes as well as obligations and procedures used to promote ethical conduct of practicing professionals…
3 CE Credit Hours. Ohio – OCPC/OCPS
This course examines ethical codes used by prevention practitioners. It focuses on knowledge of Ohio codes as well as obligations and procedures used to promote ethical conduct of practicing professionals…
3 CE Credit Hours. This course explores the possible role that brain development may have in the onset of substance use, the Community Readiness Model, and 40 Developmental Assets approach to the prevention of substance use, especially within the context of the community to effect positive growth outcomes for the children who live there.
3 CE Credit Hours. This course discusses why community is needed in an effort to prevent substance use and how it accomplishes this. It also discusses the Strategic Prevention Framework and reviews the University of Kansas’ Community Tool Box discussion in-depth on this framework.
3 CE Credit Hours. OCDPB Approved. In this comprehensive course, you will learn about 10 areas to prevent illness and create health and wellness: diet, addictive, processed foods, and more!
3 CE Credit Hours. This course explores in depth what best practice means within the context of prevention, and why it is advantageous to use best practices. Also presented is a more in-depth exploration of how best practices are used in those growing up with adverse childhood experiences.
Contains 40 CE Credit Hours over 10 Courses: Prevention: Using Social Media, Ethics for Prevention Professionals OCPC/OCPS, Two Prevention Program Models, Why Do We Need the Community to Help Prevent Substance Use?, Health Living & Avoiding Substance Use, Adverse Childhood Experiences, Your Parenting Style Matters, Mentoring to Prevent Substance Use, Faith to Build…, Emotional Intelligence and Prevention.
4 CE Credit Hours. Learn how the way you parent can make a difference in how well your kids do in life.
5.5 CE Credit Hours. This course explores scholarly definitions of the role of a mentor, and why it is useful to use mentors in the prevention of substance use.
Communities and Help Prevent Substance Use. 6.5 CE Credit Hours. This course explores different facets of faith and how it helps build not only strong, healthy communities, but also assists in preventing substance use.
Substance Use and Other Mental Health Disorders. 7 CE Credit Hours. This course defines what social media is for digital advocacy, plus offers some answers to frequently asked questions according to SAMHSA. Further it presents user friendly social media guidelines and best practices.
Treatment Professionals
Courses for Professionals, Approved by the Ohio Chemical Dependency Professionals Board
1.5 CE Credit Hours. In this course, we look at a scholarly definition of heroin, explore statistics, and look at risk factors for drug use, across all age groups. A call for increased prevention efforts is included. We conclude with various treatment approaches.
2 CE Credit Hours. Are you concerned about prescription drug use for preventing and recovering from addiction? This course teaches you how to get the job done without drugs.
2 CE Credit Hours. Sometimes family members and close friends are aware that their loved ones might have issues with addictions. This course might be an interesting ‘read’ for you…
2 CE Credit Hours. OCDPB Approved. Are you concerned about recognizing when a loved one is using drugs? Learn about signs and symptoms of different drugs for adults, kids, and teens.
2 CE Credit Hours. Are you concerned about people using drugs at your place of work? If you are a business owner, an employee’s substance use can impact your bottom line, meaning your company is not as successful as it could be.
2 CE Credit Hours. This course looks at both the dangers and benefits of using social media, especially for children. In this course you will learn how to create an interesting but safe experience for you and your kids.
2 CE Credit Hours. This course examines specific health problems that we frequently experience as we age, exploring how to reverse and prevent them.
30 CE Credit Hours. This is a bundle containing 8 courses that renew the CDCA/LCDCII/LCDCIII/LICDC.
3 CE Credit Hours. This course is designed to help mental health professionals define what heroin is, describe the difference between opiates and opioids, list risk factors for children and adolescents, and describe protective factors in avoiding drug use as well as examining the various aspects of conventional treatment approaches.
3 CE Credit Hours. This course discusses the need for ethics for mental health professionals, the fundamental values of any types of human services and standards of care, and the value of ethics…
3 CE Credit Hours. OCDPB Approved. In this course, you will have a comprehensive review of ethical standards in health professions.
3 CE Credit Hours. This course discusses what herbs are, how we take them, why we use them for healing of mind/body, and their health benefits. There is a section on how herbs can be used for mental health.
3 CE Credit Hours. This course will focus on spirituality as opposed to religious identification and practices, and how to define and practice it for maximum benefit to one’s mental health – feelings, thoughts, behavior, moods, etc.
3 CE Credit Hours. Do you want to learn how to treat heroin addiction without using drugs? In this course, you will learn about alternative treatments, a safe detox, and much more!
This bundle features 13 of Health and Wellness Online’s top courses at a great discount.
and Those with Mental Health Disorders. 4 CE Credit Hours. OCDPB Approved. Everything you need to know about amino acid therapy for detoxification and mental health.
4 CE Credit Hours. This course goes beyond conventional approaches and shows you how to handle depression in a true holistic fashion, leading back to a state of happiness. Plus, you get continuing education hours!
4 CE Credit Hours. Everything you need to know about approaching ADHD from a holistic health point of view.
4 CE Credit Hours. OCDPB Approved. Everything you need to know about immunity for your health.
and Those with Mental Health Disorders. 4 CE Credit Hours. OCDPB Approved. Everything you need to know about amino acid therapy for detoxification and mental health.
4 CE Credit Hours. Delve into the science of wellbeing in this course, based on Dr. Martin Seligman’s work in positive psychology. We’ll take a look at a scholarly definition of the term and discuss what wellbeing truly is. We’ll examine the concept of resilience and the link between wellbeing and addiction recovery.
4 CE Credit Hours. OCDPB Approved. Everything you need to know about CBD Oil and how it can benefit you. Learn the potential health benefits and risks, as well as knowing what to look for when purchasing CBD oil product that is safe to use.
4 CE Credit Hours. OCDPB Approved. This course explores a brief current as well as historical controversy of whether to vaccinate ourselves and our kids. Both pro-vaccination and anti-vaccination views will be presented.
4 CE Credit Hours. Learn how the way you parent can make a difference in how well your kids do in life. This course defines and describes the four major parenting styles and presents behavioral outcomes of each style.
5 CE Credit Hours. Everything you need to know about having healthy, loving relationships of all kinds! This course discusses several aspects of love and how to love others and oneself functionally and successfully.
6 CE Credit Hours. OCDPB Approved Course. Everything you need to renew your Ohio Chemical Dependency License.
6 CE Credit Hours. This course discusses benefits of movement, with a special focus on mental health. Included are cognitive and physiological/affective benefits a section on benefits of movement for individuals recovering from addiction is included…
Peer Support Professionals
All Courses for Peer Support Professionals
2 CE Credit Hours
This course offers scholarly definitions of the terms diversity, equality/equity, and inclusion (DEI). SAMHSA’s key terms are presented, as well. Finally, benefits and challenges of diversity at the workplace are delineated.
2 CE Credit Hours
The study and science of health and wellness has an ever-growing number of different facets. The challenge for each person is to find the right set of principles and practices that are right and healthy for your own life journey. And these may change over time! This may include becoming physically, cognitively, emotionally, and spiritually healthy, and then figuring out how to maintain that wonderful state of health and wellness and being a happy, fulfilled individual.
2 CE Credit Hours
This course reviews the information contained in the Ohio Administrative Code (Rule 5122-29-15.1 Adult, Family, and Youth Certified Peer Supporter) and discusses HIPAA and confidentiality, specifically. It covers a need for ethics, more information contained in the Code, and a definition of ethical peer support. Also discussed are the benefits of peer support, as well as cultural competence.
2 CE Credit Hours
This course examines what professional boundaries are, and why we need them. It also delves into the roles of peer recovery supporters, the core values, and the importance of self-awareness and self-care. There will be a short discussion on cultural diversity, and a partial review of the code of ethics and boundaries.
2 CE Credit Hours
Traumas are experienced throughout the world every day. Yes, they are that common. As professionals who work with people who have experienced trauma, it is important to know and understand what they are going through. You, a unique individual who has likely gone through a fair amount of trauma yourself, will be able to show compassion and understanding while guiding your clients into a healthier perspective and how to get the help they need.
2 CE Credit Hours
As peer professionals, you likely come into contact regularly with victims of human trafficking. In fact, it may have happened to you, and yet you managed to overcome! Some groups who fall most vulnerable are undocumented immigrants, persons with disabilities, young runaways, the financially vulnerable, Native Americans, and many more (COPS, n.d.). This is not an all-inclusive listing. Let’s begin by defining exactly what human trafficking is.
2 CE Credit Hours
Consider this: human beings have thoughts, emotions, a physiological body, and a spiritual self. So where does behavior fit in? Behavior may be thought of as the result of a person’s thoughts, feelings, physiology, and spirituality. They are at least contributing factors to the behaviors chosen. There are many things which influence the factors mentioned above, like our genes, how we’ve been raised, and others. Also, individuals who have been caught in the web of substance use, engaged in recovery, will be examined a little more closely in this course.