Too many teens engage in dramatic and moody ways of communicating including what they say, how they […]
We are hearing a lot in the news today about Alzheimer’s and whether it can be prevented, […]
We hear a lot of things about fitness myths, particularly exercise fitness, and we buy into programs, […]
Hey! March is almost gone already in 2023 and I would be remiss if I allowed the […]
We are past the holiday season for 2018 and are now fully into 2019. Guess what? It […]
As mothers, we are always trying to do our best for our kids. Way too many kids […]
To even try to make some changes to your daily routines can be a daunting thing. Many […]
Are you like most of us and want to shed a few extra pounds (or more)? Did […]
These days, especially with the heroin crisis still raging across America, it is wise to be able […]
If you’re like me – health conscious and eating out a lot of the time – then […]