What exactly is herbal medicine, you may ask. Well, the State Government of Victoria, Australia says it like this: “Herbal medicine is the use of plants to treat disease and enhance general health and wellbeing.” They (rightfully) caution us to check for contra-indications (adverse interactions) if you take prescription medication before starting. Always work with a competent, health care practitioner. 

Columbus Herbs & Acupuncture states further that “Herbalists focus on supporting and maintaining health rather than fighting disease. … In other words, the focus of practice is not placed on herbs ‘fixing’ you, but rather on nurturing your intrinsic capacity for healing.” 

This makes perfect sense. It is consistent with many other natural, holistic healing approaches, such as nutrigenomics, yoga, etc. In fact, when one combines multiple modalities or lifestyle choices, we can likely expect a more robust health outcome than if we just do one approach like adding exercise or eliminating grains and sugar. 

Consider enrolling in the course entitled Living Healthy Holistically to get a great foundation for learning how to take care of yourself in a more natural manner which will support what your body is already programed to do – create abundant health and fight disease! 

In fact, if you’re concerned about the ever-increasing rates of addiction running rampant throughout our country, and want to learn more about holistic treatment for it, including various definitions of addiction, physiological effects, how it affects our thoughts and feelings as well as our spirituality, consider taking Addiction: Holistic Treatment: Do We Always Need More Drugs? In this course we explore also the holistic antidote to dealing with all of this without prescription medication.

Back to herbs – a tried and true method of dealing with creating and regaining health. A few examples of medicinal herbs are echinacea, which stimulates immune function and fights infection. Dong Quai is often used for gynecological issues like premenstrual tension and menopause.

There is some evidence that is can help lower blood pressure. Garlic – so delicious and nutritious – can help lower blood fats and cholesterol, as well as having antibiotic and antiviral properties and is often used to fight colds and other respiratory issues. Gingko Biloba may help with blood circulation and ringing in the ears.

Ginger might help with nausea, motion sickness and even morning sickness. Ginseng may help with fatigue, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, but be careful not to use too much! St. John’s Wort may help with treating mild to moderate depressions, anxiety and insomnia.


For more information watch Herbalist Julia Behrens giving a tour of her “wild herb garden and living medicine cabinet.” She explains medicinal properties of many herbs. Her garden is just beautiful, and it is enriching to see the actual herbs as they appear in nature. Also read a peer-reviewed journal article on how conventional western medicine can be utilized successfully with Chinese herbal medicine to produce a combined, better health outcome.

For a delicious recipe using chicken and herbs, try this one or create your own:

Chicken and Herbs

Chicken and Herbs


4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, about 4 ounces each, preferably natural or organic

3 Tablespoons Olive Oil (or less if you are watching it), preferably extra virgin, cold-pressed

1 Tablespoon fresh squeezed lemon juice, preferably organic, or orange or lime juice

Herb mixture – try basil, marjoram, thyme, rosemary, and a bit of lavender – your choice as to amounts and use fresh organic if available or create your very own mixture

Salt/pepper to taste if desired.

Cooking Directions

Cooking Directions

In a small bowl, stir together finely diced herbs, juice, and olive oil.

Coat the herb mixture onto the chicken. If you like, lightly salt/pepper them.

Let chicken breasts marinate in the herbal mixture for at least 20 minutes. 

Either bake in a 350 °F oven for 25 to 30 minutes (or until done) or pan-fry in more olive oil, using low to medium heat.

Serve with salad and/or other lightly steamed veggies.


For more information on holistic health, visit Health and Wellness

Have a holistically, healthy day!
